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"As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you."

Isaiah 66:13

The nurturing affection of a mother is one of the greatest comforts in this life. From the moment of birth, a mother tends to every need of her child. Feeding, clothing, instructing, and mending wounds are the tireless lovingkindness of a mother. A child often longs for the tender words and embrace of their mother.

The Almighty Creator of heaven and earth describes His compassion for His children in this way. Where else would a mother's endless love come from? It is the God of love who has put such compassion and sacrifice in her heart. He is the source of lovingkindness.

God will comfort you today, beloved. Do not let your heart be troubled, instead come to God and lay your burdens at His feet. He will sustain and keep you through His tender mercies and endless love.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Look on my affliction and deliver me."

Psalm 119:153

The plea for help. One may hesitate to ask for help because of pride, or perhaps a request for help in the past was met with disdain. There can be different hindrances to why one refrains from seeking help, but none of these should keep us from seeking God's help.

The Son of God died for us while we were dead in sin. You have been redeemed by God. Because of His mercy and kindness, we should always look to the Lord for help. Let us fully expect that He will hear and be willing to help us. We have no other hope in this life like God.

The Lord has promised never to forsake us, to work all things for our good, and providentially works in our lives. Let us seek God's help today and put our trust in Him.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him."

Matthew 8:3

Human nature desires to be touched—the touch of acceptance and acknowledgment.

The embrace between family members reminds one another that each person belongs. The friendly handshake of a friend or a stranger welcomes a person, inferring that one is accepted into fellowship.

There is the tenderness of wiping a tear or comforting someone hurting emotionally or physically. All of these expressions and more reassure the bond between individuals. What is amazing to consider is God's willingness to touch us.

Christ reached out and touched the leper. The man physically hurting and declared unclean by the law. We are sick in body and spirit as well. This has not hindered Christ from touching us.

Perhaps you are hurting today or lonely, needing a touch from God. Lift your heart to the Lord and He will refresh you. He has promised that there will never be anything in this life that can separate you from His love in Christ. The Lord holds you in the palm of His hand.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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