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"Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame."

1 Peter 2:6

Many years ago, while working carpentry, we would occasionally have to resecure the support for the older colonial homes. This would involve reestablishing a secure means of supporting the house. It would ensure the house's integrity and, hopefully, enable it to stand another hundred years.

In Christ, we have a precious cornerstone to stand upon in this life. The strength He supplies enables us to endure any trials we experience. There will never be anything in this world that Jesus cannot keep us through. His peace is eternal. His grace is sufficient. God's wisdom is timeless, and He is faithful in goodness.

If you have weakened in your spirit or have put your trust in yourself, turn to Christ today. Stand upon the salvation Jesus has provided for you and the hope He has offered to you. You will never be put to shame for trusting in Jesus Christ.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Let your reasonableness be known to everyone."

Philippians 4:5

Beloved, we all appreciate those who have been gentle with us when it was not always easy.

Something is becoming of an individual who possesses a quality of propriety—knowing what to say and what not to say in different circumstances, an ability to keep passions in check with gracious humility while thinking of others.

The Holy Spirit can enable us to have such a character. To be gracious like our Lord. This is something we must pray for while seeking God's help in situations where gentleness and moderation are needed.

Let us entreat the Lord today for His lovingkindness to be expressed in our lives so that our reasonableness is known to everyone.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Follow me."

Matthew 4:19

This is a simple invitation from the Son of God. This call to follow Christ is within every Gospel message. The Holy Spirit speaks continually into people's lives, compelling them to follow Christ. Those who belong to the Lord hear and follow after Him.

There are many ways we could meditate on this verse, but for today, let us consider the intimacy of this invitation: God's lovingkindness in calling sinners to Himself. The perfect Lamb of God was willing to associate with those who did not deserve His company.

We are no better than the first disciples of Jesus. They did not fully understand the invitation or know what would become of their lives, but they followed. They struggled along as we do but found in Jesus, a faithful friend. One who would not forsake them but laid down His life for them.

Jesus calls to you today, beloved. Follow me is the invitation of mercy and grace. We do not deserve to walk with Him but as we do Jesus changes us and strengthens us along the way.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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