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"I will meditate on your statutes."

Psalm 119:48

The reading of scripture is vital to our spiritual well-being. It is equally important that we consider what we have read or heard. Hopefully, we found ourselves in the house of God on the Lord's day, where God's word was preached from the pulpit and pointed our attention to the Lord.

How much thought did you give to God's word in those moments? Have you prayerfully considered what was said? How have you applied it to your life?

Beloved, we must be doers of God's word and not mere hearers. We must give thoughtful prayer to scripture and hide it in the heart. The word of the Lord does return void unto Him. The word of God can fall upon the good soil of the heart while some hearts hardened.

May we yield to the word of God. We are being thoughtful and growing in the knowledge of God so that we might renewed into the likeness of our Lord. Give a place for quiet thought upon God's word today.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

Jeremiah 29:11

This is a familiar portion of scripture to many of us. I wonder how much thought we have given to its practical application. Has anyone ever doubted you or caused you to question your ability to accomplish something? Did someone discourage you from trying something new? Has someone's opinion of you caused you to doubt your worth or potential?

We understand God's providence within this verse and His redemptive plan for Israel. What we can apply from this verse is that the Lord knows what He has in store for all His people.

Every believer should trust that the Lord is working in a providential way in their lives. He has regarded our state, equipped us with talents, and used us for His glory. No one can hinder what the Lord has in store for us or take our worth away. Success is not determined only here and now. God measures success differently than this world does. The Lord sees faithfulness and obedience as success. Eternity will bring to light things done that have eternal worth.

You are made in the image of God. Never doubt your worth or potential. Grace will be sufficient for you because God is at work in your life. Whatever you do for the Lord is not in vain. The chief and exalted end of our lives is to live for the glory of God and to enjoy Him forever. Do that, and you will enter into your eternal reward.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."

John 14:27

This appeal to be not troubled would do us little good if it were not for the one who spoke them, for we are often troubled in this life. Many things would bring fear to the wise heart.

Such reassurance does not bring hope and strength unless spoken by one who can support the individual in trouble. Hear the words of our Lord today. He brings peace to us and reminds us that He is with us.

If your heart is troubled today, turn to the Lord. He has promised never to forsake you. To work all things for the good of your salvation and finish what He started in your life.

The words of our Lord are not empty or powerless. He is sovereign and is providentially working in your life. Entrust your fearful heart to the Lord.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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