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"Oh, how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day."

Psalm 119:97

When I was a child with my dad in the car, he often asked me what I thought as I looked out the window. Sometimes, my mind was wandering or observing what we were passing by. I am not sure what my dad was looking for. Perhaps he just wanted to talk with his son. It did make me aware of my thoughts. What was I thinking about and why?

Our thoughts reveal what is most pressing on our minds and can also reflect what we love and value most. If someone is always thinking about themselves, we say they are self-centered and oblivious to others. If someone displays thoughtfulness towards others, we say they are kind and gracious.

Above all, may we follow the example of the Psalmist, having our minds set upon the word of God. Scripture should be something we do not merely give a passing thought to. It must be something that we think long and hard about. Let us give it much contemplation through prayer and quiet reflection. Nothing is more important for our minds to dwell upon than the Bible.

In Christ Alone.

Pastor Wight

"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, ..."

Revelation 21:4

Many tears have fallen from the eyes of God's children. The promise from scripture that goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives has proven true. However, in this journey, there has been cause for tears. Trials and pain have also accompanied us through the pilgrimage of faith. Mercy was new every morning, and grace proved sufficient for all these trials, but tears were present.

The promise of comfort in this life from the God of all comfort comes with the coming promise of no tears. The time will come when the last tear of life is wiped away. Many tears are present with those as their loved ones pass from this life to the next, but those tears will wiped away with the coming of the Lord. The Lord will make all things new, and in that moment, the tears of sorrow, pain, and fear will cease. The only tears that will appear will be ones of joy and relief.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

The Lord said to Abraham, " Why did Sarah laugh and say, 'Shall I indeed bear a child, not that I am old?"

Genesis 18:13

" By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised."

Hebrews 11:11

Beloved, not every promise from God is received with our immediate faith. Thankfully, the Lord is patient with us.

When Sarah heard the promise of bearing a child, she laughed within her heart, and when confronted with this, she denied it. We struggle to trust our Lord and His promises. We doubt He hears us or is willing to help us. God may help others, but we do not often believe He will do the same for us.

We do not know how long it took or what transpired for Sarah to go from a place of doubt and denial to being convinced God would fulfill His promise. Many of God's children have made this journey of faith. Disbelief turns to a firm conviction that nothing is impossible for God. He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, and the Lord will work all things for our good.

Look to the Lord today. He will be faithful and fulfill His promises.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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