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"For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish."


  Jeremiah 31:25

   Beloved, the promise is to you in Christ, the promise of hope and restoration. Are you weary? Is there sorrow in your heart? The sin of the heart, the trial of life, and the temptations that plague us. Cause weariness of spirit and mind.

   But if we turn to the Lord, He will satisfy the weary soul today. He removes the guilt and shame of sin. His grace proves sufficient for the trials of this life. The Spirit of God empowers us as we make our pilgrimage through this world.

   The Lord has promised to renew our minds and to restore our soul. Look to the Lord today. From Him comes your help. God is willing and able to meet you and sustain you. Come to the Father, He will not turn you away.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Your way was through the sea, your path through the great waters; yet your footprints were unseen."

  Psalm 77:19

   The providence of God brings us through the uncertainty of troubled waters at times. The great oceans of this world are treacherous. Difficult to navigate and often churning with chaos. Mariners must navigate these waters with the anticipation to reach their haven of rest. They leave no path to follow. The course they took is like a mystery.

  God's way is not always distinguishable. He moves us through the circumstances of life similar to a vast sea. The scope of our lives is unsearchable and cannot be fully known or always understood. There are no footprints or clear indications to the naked eye of God's presence.

   Yet the heart is filled with peace. A blessed hope that God is working all things for the good of our salvation. Everything must coincide with God's will. Nothing can befall us outside of His sovereignty, while every good gift comes from God's hand.

  You may be passing through great waters today and feel as though you cannot see the footprints of God. The Lord is with you. God is still the one who calms the sea and opens the way through great waters.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law."

  Psalm 119:18

  It is a privilege to read scripture daily. With this daily practice, we need the Spirit of God to open our understanding of His word.

  Beloved, do not only read your Bible but seek God through His word. Prayerfully ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you through the word. Petition the Lord to open your eyes to the wonderous thing contained in His word. 

  Come to the Bible seeking wisdom through the precepts of God. The Holy Spirit must renew our minds by scripture and enable us to receive life from the word of God.

   The Lord will faithfully guide you through this life as you set His word before you. The Holy Spirit will create in you a desire for God's word. His grace will stir your heart, respond to Him today, and take hold of the Bible.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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