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"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith,.."

1 Corinthians 16:13

Beloved, as the political environment seems to change each day. Many have a watchful eye on the news. There is a heightened awareness of what is happening, what could happen, and how it relates to the world around us.

May this move us to be watchful concerning the spiritual implications of all these events. More importantly the condition of our soul. It is easy to focus on things that grab our attention and when many voices call out to us we must quiet ourselves before the Lord and His word. There we find peace and obtain a clear understanding of what is vital.

Let us be watchful over our hearts today and continue to stand firm in the faith.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another."

Proverbs 21:17

We are all made in the image of God. We need to recognize the significance of this in one another as we spur one another on. Understanding this helps us approach one another with humility and the desire for the best for one another. As iron can sharpen another piece of iron, we can sharpen others.

There is wisdom in coming together for conversation beyond what we can agree upon. Our thoughts, ideologies, and perceptions should be challenged so that we might grow.

The culture refuses to listen to others with humility and a willingness to listen. We must recognize the benefit of vigorous discord guided by the intention of improving one another and not trying to convince others into our thinking.

Let us provoke one another into deep thought upon God, His word, and His providential working in our lives. May we examine the culture through Scripture so we can discern what is true and noble. Let our words be seasoned with grace and edify those listening while we seek to sharpen one another in excellence for God.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"My soul longs for salvation; I hope in your word. My eyes long for your promise; I ask, ' When will you comfort me?' "

Psalm 119:81-82

Beloved, one of the beautiful things about the Psalms is its genuineness.

Nothing in the book is hidden from the reader. The raw emotions and thoughts of the Psalmist come through each line. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we can see the writer's struggles, fears, peace, and satisfied hope.

It speaks of the reality of our faith. There are moments when we feel strong and encouraged by God. Other times, we are perplexed and feel abandoned by God.

It is okay to come before God with our confusion. To inquire when His comfort will come. We should rest assured that He will not deny us, though we suffer great sorrows. Some of these seasons are long, and relief is not always immediate, but do not lose heart. Trust the Lord, and He will comfort you at the right time.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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