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"Love is patient.."

1 Corinthians 13:4

Love demonstrated in this way is more than a feeling it is a decision. We do not always have the patience we need for a person, circumstance, or ourselves. But we are called upon by the word of God to demonstrate patience lovingly.

It is a challenge for all of us to show patience consistently. We need the Spirit of God to give us His love for others and His patience for the circumstances of life. We do not always possess patience for others. In such moments, we must choose to be loving. We decide to treat others as God has treated us.

The Lord has been longsuffering towards all of His children. He has been gracious and merciful. As we have received the lovingkindness of God, may we show patience toward others today. Let us choose to be patient.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit on the bond of peace."

Ephesians 4:3

One of the things I enjoy is sitting in the hammock next to our Koi pond. It is nestled under mature maple trees and surrounded by flowering plants. The other evening, I was enjoying the cool breeze and the sound of the running waterfall when this verse came to mind.

As beautiful and tranquil as it is to be there by the pond, it required extensive work to build and continued maintenance. There is the threat of predators against the fish. Weeds and poison ivy that want to take over the landscape. Occasional bug treatment has to be applied as well. But in the end, it is worth it because it is a place to enjoy.

The church belongs to God and is composed of His people. It is a beautiful place to be a part of. But it takes work and commitment to maintain the unity of the Spirit. There is the threat of outside predators, the enemy of our soul who likes to create division. The spirit of the age tries to twist and pervert what is true. Then there is the old nature that is part of the redeemed. It needs to be crucified, and the followers of Christ must be yielded to the Holy Spirit.

It takes work, but nothing is as beautiful as when the church gathers for worship. It is heaven on earth. May we find our place among the redeemed of the Lord and gather to worship His name in the beauty of holiness.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

Pray then like this: " Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name."

Matthew 6:9

Two years ago, my earthly father went to heaven, and less than a year, my father-in-law followed him. It is strange and sad at times not to have your father around. They have been with you your whole life, and you can't talk to or be with them.

I know some have not had this privilege. I was blessed to have both grandfathers in my life as an adult. Now my dads are with my grandfathers with the great cloud of witnesses in heaven.

Yet I am not alone, for my heavenly Father has and will always be with me, as He is with you. We can speak to our heavenly Father at all times. He will never leave us and will continue to guide us throughout our lives. May we take the opportunity to speak with Him today. Let us seek the wisdom of God, His blessing, and guidance. Our heavenly Father is an ever-present help in times of trouble and will continue to strengthen us through this day. Pray like this, " Our Father."

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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