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"All Scripture is breathed by God ..."

2 Timothy 3:16

Genesis to Revelation is all the Word of God. Moses, Isaiah, Hosea, John, Peter, Paul, and the prophets were all carried along by the Holy Spirit. The author of the Bible is the Eternal Almighty God.

Because God is the author of Scripture, it is anointed, possesses authority, and gives eternal life. The Word of God is timeless. Culture and public opinion can not determine what is to be received or rejected from the Bible. Scripture judges culture and the heart of the individual.

God has revealed Himself through His word and what God commands of us concerning our relation to Him and one another. The Bible is sufficient, infallible, and divinely inspired. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to seek God through His word, to receive it as daily bread for life and godliness. Without the Word of God, we remain ignorant of righteousness and hopeless in this world.

Take up the Bible today and set your mind upon it for the salvation of your soul.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

" those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has the light shone."

Isaiah 9:2

The mercy of God came when His light fell upon our dead souls. We were captive in the darkness of our iniquity. In bondage within the dominion of the evil one. Without hope in this world and powerless to save ourselves.

Chris the Redeemer came to set the captive free. The Light of Him shone upon us, dispelling darkness and breaking the bonds of our transgressions. Christ atoned for our sins and has purchased us for Himself. We now belong to God and have been translated into His kingdom.

The light of hope within the Gospel has freed our spirits, supplying peace each day with the anticipation of His faithful preservation and provision. God is with you today, beloved. His light continues to shine upon you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Tremble. O earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob, who turns the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a spring of water."

Psalm 114:8

God caused water to pour from a rock for His people in the wilderness. The Lord of Host delivered them from bondage in Egypt. He would not forsake them in the wilderness. God is the Lord who saves and provides.

There may be a hopeless situation, but the Lord will help you. He knows our circumstances and shall supply our needs. How could a spring of living water flow from a rock? How can a dry land become a pool of refreshing?

It is the love of God and His faithfulness extended towards us that changes our situation. The Lord guards our hearts with peace as we bring our burdens to Him. His promises lift us and cause us to trust God. He will help and provide for you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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