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"He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting the Lord."

Psalm 112:7

Bad news and moments come to all of us. However, bad news does not have to bring us to despair. It can certainly be unsettling to hear something terrible or our worst fears. In such a time, we still do not have to be overcome with fear.

Trusting in the Lord keeps us from being afraid of bad news. Our heart firmly placed upon the goodness and faithfulness of God is what stills the fear. Knowing that He is sovereign and working all things for the good of our salvation reassures us for the day.

Guard your heart and mind beloved with the truth of God's word. The promise that God is for you and not against you. Bad news and good news has to pass through His providence. The outcome of all things is in the hands of God. Nothing in this world can separate you from His lovingkindness. Do not allow bad news to bring you fear. Trust the Lord.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, "

2 Peter 1:3

Beloved, there is cause today for hope. The Lord is with you, and He aids you in divine power. The power of the Gospel is in Christ. He is the One who can transform a life, setting a person free from the domain of darkness and translating it into His kingdom.

As a child of God, His divine power continues to grant all that is needed for the Christian life. We are never left to ourselves to get through the day. One should never rely upon their strength to make it through the day.

God has supplied mercy for us that is new with the dawning of every day. Grace that is sufficient and a peace that surpasses all that we understand. Accomplished by divine power. Not of this world. Trust the Lord, His divine power is at work in your life.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Tell the righteous it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their deeds."

Isaiah 3:10

It is green-up time! With the recent nice weather, I am sure many of us have taken advantage of working in the yard. Soon, farmers will be cultivating and planting their crops. People will be planting their vegetable gardens and flower beds. Hoping to receive a harvest from what they planted. The goal is to fill a flower bed with beautiful flowers rather than weeds. A garden full of fresh edible produce rather than thorns and thistles.

Similarly, the righteous should also anticipate the blessings of God upon their lives. If we sow to the spirit the things of God, we should anticipate a harvest of righteousness. Trials will come, and opposition will come for living for God. But the Lord will sustain His people and receive them unto Himself. At the end of the ages, no one will ever regret living for the Lord. Live for the Lord today.

In Christ Alone.

Pastor Wight

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