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"I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken."

Psalm 16:8

There is confidence in having someone stand by your side. Many sports reinforce the importance of having and relying upon a teammate. In difficult moments, when exhaustion sets in or doubts stir up feelings of fear, the reassurance of another person can carry you through.

Beloved, how much brighter tomorrow looks when we consider that God is for us and not against us. Doubts and fears are calmed when we have set God before us, entrusting ourselves to Him and seeking His will.

Today, you can have this hope: peace that comes from trusting in Christ and depending upon God's providence. Put the Lord before you, and you shall not be shaken.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"The Lord will be your everlasting light, and God will be your glory."

Isaiah 60:19

One of the hallmarks of Christmas is decorating with lights. Homes and businesses alike put lights on for display. Christmas lights light up the cold nights of winter with comfort and warmth. Many families will drive around to see homes and neighborhoods decorated for Christmas.

These images should cause us to reflect upon the everlasting light and why Christians celebrate Christmas. Christ came into this dark world to ransom men from sin and death, to deliver us from the power of darkness, and to transfer us into His marvelous kingdom.

Christ is the light of the world. Whoever comes to Him receives everlasting life. Let us glorify the King of kings. May His light shine through us so that all men are drawn unto Him.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"On the willows there we hung up our lyres."

Psalm 137:2

Tucked away in our basement in storage are a violin and saxophone, instruments from our children's younger years. I am sure many have instruments hidden away in some forgotten spot. There is no longer a desire to play; other hobbies have replaced it.

The Psalmist describes a more dismal circumstance. How can one sing when in a land of captivity? There is no reason to rejoice, and one does not have the faith to comfort oneself or others through song.

Beloved, such seasons befall us. Times in which it is hard to rejoice or worship. Do not allow the enemy to condemn or keep you in despair. Lift your weary heart and hands to God. Seek His refreshing and the hope that comes from God's promises. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy will dawn on the darkness. God is with you and will put a new song in your heart.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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