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"Light dawns in the darkness of the upright; "

Psalm 112:4

The upright are not except from dark days. However, because of the mercy of God, they do not last forever. The hope of the beloved is that the Lord has compassion for His people. He works all things for the good of their salvation. Providential care is always at work within the life of the child of God.

Darkness may come suddenly, leaving one to wonder why such circumstances have fallen on them. The promise from the God of all comfort is that light dawns in the darkness of the upright. Peace will guard the hearts of God's children and sustain them through all circumstances.

The light of God's mercy and grace will dawn in the darkness and bring you hope. Trust the Lord today. He is with you and will not forsake you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them, and the Lord will be with you."

2 Chronicles 20:17

The promise given to Judah and Jehoshaphat in this verse is timeless in its encouragement. God's people needed deliverance from the adversary. They were afraid and turned to the Lord for His help. God gave them a promise of salvation, which He fulfilled.

As the people of God, we continue to struggle with the enemy of our soul. We face trials of various kinds and daily temptations. Our hearts wrestle with despair. Our minds resist thoughts of doubt and fear. While the body often feels weak.

May we hear the Spirit of God reaffirming His promise of salvation through this verse. The Lord would tell us not to be afraid of tomorrow. We should not be dismayed by anything we are facing right now. The promise of being with them remains for all of God's people. He has promised never to leave or forsake us. Every battle belongs to the Lord. Ultimately, He is working everything for the good of our salvation.

Do not be afraid or dismayed today or on any day. God is with you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Let us fall into the hand of the Lord, for His mercy is great; "

2 Samuel 24:14

If we experience trials in this life and face chastizement, let us fall into the hand of God. God's hand is not impartial. He is holy and just. The hand of God can be heavy upon the rebellious heart. But He works in a redemptive manner.

As those prone to stray, may we appeal to the merciful hand of God. We are never beyond His reach and watchful eye. God is faithful to correct, comfort, and encourage. Our lives have fallen into His hand from the foundations of creation. He knows our days and has set His purposes before us. Providentially and mercifully working in us.

Let us have assurance for each new day and hope for tomorrow. Nothing can pluck us from His hand, beloved. The Lord holds you securely and will carry you all the way home. Let us ask this day to fall into the hand of the Lord, for His mercy is great.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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