'He restores my soul."
  Psalm 23:3
  Times of refreshing from the Lord is what our spirits need. We are in the season of cultivation. Lawns will be watered and fertilized. Flower beds will be meticulously cared for. Gardens are weeded and well irrigated to ensure a bountiful harvest. Care is needed so that these things may flourish.
  How much more does the spirit of a person need care so that it may flourish? The cares of life would choke out the good seed planted in the heart. There is the foul of the air that wants to rob the seed. There is the heat of trials to scorch the seed and harden the heart. There is much that plagues humanity.
  But there is a faithful and wise vinedresser. God attends to the needs of His vineyard. Pruning when necessary and assuring times of refreshing. The Lord brings life to the branch. There is not a bruised reed He will break. God will restore your soul today, no matter how bruised and weary it may be.
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Wight