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'He restores my soul."

   Psalm 23:3

  Times of refreshing from the Lord is what our spirits need. We are in the season of cultivation. Lawns will be watered and fertilized. Flower beds will be meticulously cared for. Gardens are weeded and well irrigated to ensure a bountiful harvest. Care is needed so that these things may flourish.

  How much more does the spirit of a person need care so that it may flourish? The cares of life would choke out the good seed planted in the heart. There is the foul of the air that wants to rob the seed. There is the heat of trials to scorch the seed and harden the heart. There is much that plagues humanity.

   But there is a faithful and wise vinedresser. God attends to the needs of His vineyard. Pruning when necessary and assuring times of refreshing. The Lord brings life to the branch. There is not a bruised reed He will break. God will restore your soul today, no matter how bruised and weary it may be.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."

  Ephesians 4:32

   It is the kindness of God toward us that enlighten us on how to be kind to others.

   The kindness of the Lord is steadfast. He is not fickle but consistent. We do not have to wonder if the Lord will cease being kind toward His own. Each day, we are benefactors of His mercy.

   God is no respecter of persons in showing kindness. Every child of God shares in the kindness of God and should fully expect to experience it.

    The kindness of God is expressed through His patience. The Lord has been longsuffering with us and willing to forgive the penitent heart.

     May we emulate the kindness of the Lord towards others in this same way. Let us be patient with every person. Willing to forgive a wrong. Consistent in kindness as the Holy Spirit enables us. God has been kind to us in Christ. Let us be Christ-like with others.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Then once more you shall see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve him."

  Malachi 3:18

   The day of distinction shall come. A day when the righteous will shine, and they will enter the eternal rest of God. The righteous have been plagued with the toils of this world and forsaken momentary pleasure while embracing their cross.

    The righteous have suffered at times at the hands of the wicked. Have faced ridicule and persecution. The wicked have enjoyed momentary pleasure and have given no thought to their eternal condition. Neglecting that it has been appointed unto man to die and then the judgment.

  The day of distinction will be a time of rejoicing for the righteous but a day of woes for the wicked. The righteous will enter eternal joy while the wicked anguish. 

  Let us choose today to be among the righteous. To forsake wickedness and to follow the Lord in faithful obedience. The day of the Lord will not be delayed.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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