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"Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths."

Psalm 25:4

Beloved, if we are willing, God is able and willing to guide us. We do not have to navigate this life on our own. The Lord receives the plea for instruction. He delights in giving wisdom. Will we humble ourselves in asking for His guidance?

It is difficult for us at times to be teachable. To acknowledge that we need help and are dependent upon others. Do not neglect the hope we have in Christ or the benefit of His guidance. The word of God has been given unto us so that we might have wisdom. So we would know the righteousness of God and His ways.

Scripture can help us throughout our lives and in every season. Turn to the Lord today in prayer and the Bible. From the word of God, you will find guidance and peace for the day.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"We are all the work of your hand."

Isaiah 64:8

Beloved, may it be evident in your thoughts that God has formed you with intention and coupled with deep affection for you. Knowing your identity in God and that He is for you brings peace into your heart. If we think our existence is by chance. Then, there is no true hope. Contentment becomes elusive, and a sense of purpose unclear.

Nothing God has created in creation is useless. Everything has an innate beauty about its existence and shows forth His glory. God created you in His image. He has a purpose for your life and intends to perform His will in and through you.

Take pleasure and receive peace in knowing that you are the work of God's hand. The Lord knows the beginning to the end of your days, taking everything into account, and shall bring you home. Today, with all other days, you are in His hands. God is with you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?"

Psalm 130:3

Beloved, it is a new day to rejoice in. We are blessed to have the mercy of God extended unto us. God does not wink at our sins, but could you imagine if He were to mark all of our sins without offering us mercy?

Think of all your failures. The sinful attitudes we demonstrate at times. Personality flaws are our rebellion and ill-treatment of others. The observable things and that which is hidden in the heart. Not to mention what is done in ignorance because we are a fallen creature and do not fully understand the holiness of God.

Let us be eternally grateful for God's mercy in our lives. He has provided salvation in Christ and has made atonement for our sins. He is longsuffering with us and willing to receive the penitent heart. May we worship the Lord this day and have hope, for His love keeps no record of wrong.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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