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"I will heal their apostasy; I will love them freely, "

Hosea 14:4

Beloved, let us be encouraged today for the salvation of those we love and constantly bring before the Lord. We often worry about the condition of their hearts. We wonder what we can do to convince them of their need for Christ. We sometimes feel as though we have failed or made the situation worse.

We wonder what will take for them to surrender to God. We call on people to pray for these we are burdened for. Write prayer request cards and have their names constantly on our hearts.

God has shown us mercy. He saved us by His grace alone. God is working by His Spirit upon their hearts as well. The Lord alone can heal the backslidden heart. He can make it flesh again. He can break up the fallow ground to receive the seed. God in love heals the backslider from their condition of sin. Trust Him to do it.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil."

Ephesians 6:11

We experience things wearing out over time. Items regularly used begin to break down and no longer function as they once did. By the end of a long day, we become fatigued.

The armor God has equipped us with will never break down. It will never become obsolete or useless. His armor will always be able to defend against the schemes of the enemy. It will never fail or prove insufficient in the day of evil.

No matter how many times the enemy tries to assail you. You can be strong in the power of the Lord. Every generation will find God's armor cable of keeping them. Be fully confident in putting on the armor of God today. The Holy Spirit will empower you, and God will not forsake you. Put on Christ today and be strong in the power of His might.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock."

Isaiah 26:4

The declaration sets forth to trust in the Lord forever. Not only for a moment but continually. You can roam from one place to another looking for assurance. You can try to do things with your strength or put all your trust in others who are just as frail as you. Trusting in yourself alone only leads to weariness and an unreasonable expectation of others.

God is the only everlasting rock. The One in whom we can trust moment by moment forever. God alone is unchanging. He will not grow weary, frustrated, or lack understanding. You can trust Him today with whatever you are facing and with all of your feelings and concerns.

You will not overwhelm God with your cares. Bring them to the Lord. Cast all of your burdens upon Him. The Lord will answer you today and prove Himself to be an everlasting rock for your heart and mind.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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