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"Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God."

Psalm 42:5-6

The heart of the Psalmist was downcast, and he said to himself, "Why are you in turmoil within me?" He was troubled from within. The roubles of life had caused him suffering. There was no comfort.

We find ourselves in diverse trials and tribulations. Moments when it is difficult to trust the Lord or praise Him as we should. The Psalmist spoke to his spirit and called for himself to hope in God. Based upon the fact that the Lord was his God and salvation.

We must remind ourselves who we have believed in. God is worthy of all our praise and trust. He said," I shall again praise Him." Though praise had been absent, it would not cease forever. It was time to call himself to worship and hope.

Let us call ourselves this day to hope in God. To praise Him for who He is and all that He has done. The Lord is our God and our salvation.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

I say to God, my rock: ' Why have you forgotten me?'

Psalm 42:9

Faith and doubt often run alongside one another in the heart and mind of the child of God facing trials. Two streams run parallel to each other. One brings peace and the other is a bitter stream. It can feel in one moment the heart is about to be overtaken by these troubling waters, and then there is also a deep peace that calms the spirit.

The Psalmist exclaims God is his rock, his fortress, and the one whom he finds safety in. But there is also doubt. He sees God as his rock but also feels forgotten by God. Why have you forsaken me? Why do you not feel like my rock at this moment?

In such times, be reminded and grateful that the Lord is unchanging. His lovingkindness is unceasing. We may feel what we may, but the nature of God is unchanging, and He is holding us all the same. The Lord will not cease from being our rock.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"I pour out my complaint before him; I tell my trouble before him."

Psalm 142:2

Let us follow the example of the Psalmist in laying our hearts before the Lord. The complaint here represents what brings anxiety to the heart. He was not complaining to God or about the ways of the Lord but expressing the heaviness of his heart.

Our Father desires for us to be honest with Him. The Lord knows what is troubling us before we say a word. It would serve us well to bring our burdens to the Lord and to surrender them unto Him. You do not have to act like everything is fine or you are coping well.

The Lord is your everlasting Father, and you can come to Him. Rest in His tender mercies while trusting in His desire to help. He is with you today and is waiting for you to bring all your cares to Him.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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