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" I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads in the way you should go."

Isaiah 48:17

The Lord will lead you into this new year if you will follow Him as Lord. He is the Good Shepherd that will lead you in paths of righteousness. He will restore your spirit when you are faint and whose mercy shall follow you.

Trust God in faithful obedience, acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will direct your path. The things that are hidden belong to God. We will not always understand His providence. But He has promised never to forsake us. To Finish the work that He has begun in us and to work all things for our redemptive good.

So do not be anxious for today or what the future holds. The Lord knows all things, and His lovingkindness towards you is unceasing.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

" Hold me up...."

Psalm 119:117

Prayers with few words but in deep conviction are accepted by God. You do not have to be a theologian or an eloquent person to catch the ear of the Lord. The child who comes to God in sincerity with limited vocabulary and doctrinal understanding, is received at the throne of grace.

Do not add to your anxiety, beloved, wondering if God hears you or if you are exhausted beyond the ability to speak clearly to Him. He knows what you need. The Lord understands what you are facing today. That in the middle of your trial, you desire to be held up. To have the hand of God and His mercy keep you.

Your simple cry for help has come before Him. The Lord will not turn you away or leave you alone. In this present moment, the grace of God is and will continue to keep you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

" ...prepare to meet your, God..."

Amos 4:12

Beloved, have you included preparation to meet with God in your plans for the new year? We can make resolutions for this year and all manner of plans, but one may never know when we shall meet with God.

We do not know the hour or day of the return of the Lord or when the end of our days comes to us. There should be a daily readiness to meet God, for we shall stand before Him.

Let us live in light of His return while setting our attention and affection upon that which is best for our spiritual well-being. It is wise to make the most of each day. This, however, can only be done as one prepares to meet God. So make your heart ready by seeking the Lord each day.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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