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" The Lord has done what he purposed; he has carried out his word, ...."

Lamentations 2:17

In a world of uncertainty, we can be sure that the God of creation shall fulfill His purposes. What a blessed hope for the people of God. We may be perplexed at times, dear ones, filled with doubts and fears concerning the future. But our Heavenly Father knows all things. What He has for us shall come to fruition.

Nothing can separate us from His love for us. Nothing can keep God's will from being performed in our lives. He has promised to finish the good work He began in us. The Lord has also promised never to leave us. Nothing is more assuring than knowing God has us in His hands. The Lord will carry out His word in your life this day.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

" Peace! Be still! " And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, " Why are so afraid? Have you still no faith? "

Mark 4:40 - 41

There was a great windstorm, and the boat was filling with water. The disciples were afraid and woke the Lord. They questioned if he cared that they perished or not.

When the storms of life come our way, it is natural to think that God does not care. We doubt His kindness towards us and His knowledge of our circumstances. Thankfully, the Lord is unceasing in His lovingkindness.

Even though the disciples were afraid and showed no faith in Christ, He still calmed the wind. We should always trust the Lord and His ways. Thankfully, our doubts and fears do not hinder His providence. God answers our cries when we cry out in fear rather than by faith.

Lift your heart and voice to the Lord today. He will answer because His lovingkindness is unceasing.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

" I am weary with moaning; every night I flood my bed with tears; I drench my couch with weeping.

..the Lord has heard the sound of my weeping. The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord accepts my prayer. "

Psalm 6:6, 8-9

Beloved, not every prayer is formed with beautiful words or by faith. We do not always know how or what to pray. The only thing uttered is groans. Weary hearts poured out with moaning and tears with no faith at all.

Thankfully, it is not just the prayer of faith God receives. The Lord hears the sound of our weeping and our pleas. God accepts our tears as petitions and cries for help. Do not fall into despair when your plea feels powerless. God receives your cry. He will help you because His love is steadfast.

The hand of God moves because He is merciful, not by persuasive words. Weep freely, the Lord hears you.

In Christ Alone.

Pastor Wight

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