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" For He shatters the doors of bronze and cuts in two the bars of iron."

Psalm 107:16

The doors and bars described here are the very ones the Lord allowed to imprison his people because of their rebellion. The severity of God's wrath upon their sin must not go unnoticed. He still chastens those that He loves. God cannot and will not permit us to remain in our sinful condition.

Thankfully, upon godly repentance, the severity of God's judgment is not greater than His grace. The Lord sets the captive free. He opens the prison door, for we are helpless to do so.

God, in His mercy, shatters the doors of bronze and cuts in two the bars. He has abolished the penalty and power of sin. Take heart in God's mercy. Continue to pray that the Lord will set free those who are in sin.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

" Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him...."

1 Peter 1:8

Faith can be a challenge to explain sometimes. Other than knowing that God enables us to believe. The child of God can exclaim that they love the Lord and trust Him even though they have not seen Him.

Theology and a sound understanding of doctrine are necessary, but the grace of God enables us to come to salvation knowledge. The Lord saves us by grace alone.

Beloved, be encouraged today as you continue to trust the Lord even though you have not seen Him. That you love Christ even though you have never seen Him. The grace of God has enabled you to have such love and faith. The Holy Spirit bears witness with your spirit that you are a child of God.

In Christ Alone.

Pastor Wight

" Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress. "

Psalm 107:13

It is the steadfast love of the Lord that brings us hope in times of trouble. In life, we will have trouble, and we will pass through the valley of the shadow of death. There will be moments when grievous trials will come into our lives.

All of which would be overwhelming if it were not for the promises of God. He has promised to hear our cry, beloved. The Lord hears your cry for help. He will deliver you from that which distresses you and will give you grace to endure.

Cry out to the Lord with no reservation or doubt. He is faithful and good. The Lord will meet you today and will help you through this season.

In Christ Alone.

Pastor Wight

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