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" To those who are elect exiles..."

1 Peter 1:1

The Apostle Peter greets those who were part of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. With a word of encouragement that God would preserve them while they sojourned here.

This promise is to all of God's people throughout the ages. For His people are citizens of God's kingdom. We are only passing through here, in this world as light and salt but not of this world.

The people of God are treated as exiles by the world, but they remain the elect of God. Those chosen by God in Christ. Who are kept by Him unto they arrive home to dwell with the Lord forever. There is tension between the citizens of heaven and the spirit of the age. The Lord preserves His elect through the strife.

Be encouraged, dear one you belong to God. There will be moments of loneliness in this life. However, you are a part of the family of God. Take comfort in knowing that the Lord loves you with unceasing kindness.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

" Comfort, comfort my people, says your God."

Isaiah 40:1

Beloved, are you struggling today? Is there a burden too heavy for you or a sorrow that brings you to despair? Be encouraged, for the Lord desires to comfort you.

Your heavenly Father is willing and able to comfort you. God has promised never to leave you. He has promised that nothing can separate you from His love in Christ. Though you are in the midst of trials, He will provide grace to sustain you and His peace to keep your heart.

Whatever is causing you discomfort, the Lord is at work to bring you peace. Go to the word of God today and bring your burdens to Him in prayer. You will find comfort and the encouragement you need for today. God is present to help you.

In Christ Alone.

Pastor Wight

" The Lord has disciplined me severely, but He has not given me over to death. "

Psalm 118:18

No discipline is enjoyable at the moment, but the Lord's discipline has a redemptive purpose. God chastens those He loves. He cannot permit us to remain as we are. So when we stray from His ways, the Lord disciplines His own.

God's discipline is not impatient but performed with wisdom, kindness, and love. However, it can be severe because of the hardness of our hearts. He is patient and longs to see us renewed.

If we are experiencing God's correction, humble yourself beneath His mighty hand. The Lord will have mercy on you and will lift you up.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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