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" The Lord will guide you continually..."

Isaiah 58:11

Life brings various seasons. Circumstances are constantly changing, bringing with them new challenges. We change, so there are many moments of perplexity. Our constant hope and peace in life is that God remains the same. He can guide us through every nuance of each situation.

When we look to scripture, we begin to understand what God requires of us and what He has promised us. Through thoughtful prayer upon the word of God, we gain godly wisdom. The guidance and insight that we need each day.

The Lord has promised to continually guide you, so take heart and look to Him. God will never lead you astray or abandon you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

" I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, "

Jeremiah 9:24

Beloved, here is your hope this day. Though you may feel the pain of loneliness, or perhaps the circumstances in your life are more than you can bear. The lovingkindness of the Lord is unceasing toward you.

The works of God, in His providential care, are filled with His steadfast love. God is just and holy. Faithful and good. The Lord's love is steadfast, in His chasing, comfort, and instruction of His people.

God cannot be unloving, misguided, or frustrated. We may experience adverse words and actions with people. God practices steadfast love in our lives. May this be a comfort to you today and help you see your circumstances with greater hope.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

" The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance."

2 Peter 3:9

O, God, we thank you for your patience toward us. How you, in your infinite wisdom, were unrelenting in bringing us unto yourself in Christ.

Let us be encouraged that the Lord is not slow in saving those who belong to Him. Continue to pray for the lives you long to see redeemed by Christ. Take comfort in knowing that the sheep of God hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. As you hear Him call you, they will respond to His voice. The Lord knows how and when each child of God will come home. Trust in His power, mercy, and grace. For salvation belongs to God. The Lord is not slow in fulfilling His promise, but patient towards us all.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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