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"David was greatly distressed... But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God." -1 Samuel 30:6

Beloved, this is the most challenging thing to learn in life: strengthening yourself in the Lord. For it can only be brought about through experience. Circumstances in which there is no one to help. No comfort from a friend. No resources to meet the need. No strength left to persevere. It is a place of hopelessness and loneliness. Because the Lord was the God of David, he turned to Him and found the strength of the Lord. Many saints of God have been distressed beyond belief but have found that the Lord is a present help in times of trouble. We may not welcome such trials into our lives, but it is alone that we learn to strengthen ourselves in God. We discover the sufficiency of His grace and peace surpassing our understanding. Strengthen yourself in God today.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life." -Psalm 23:6

Beloved, when the Lord is our shepherd, we can be assured that His goodness will be with us and His mercy will sustain us. Our eyes and hearts need to be opened to the daily reality of His favor. Pessimism clouds one's ability to perceive the favor extended from the hand of God. Doubts and fears dull the mind in comprehending the steadfast love of God. The green pastures of God's word nourish the soul, strengthening the heart to believe in the promises of God. He will restore your soul this day, beloved, as He leads by the still waters of the Spirit. The Comforter has come and will encourage you today as you make the Lord your Shepherd. Because of Him, you shall not want. The goodness of God and His mercy are with you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"The Lord hurled a great wind upon the sea, and there was a mighty tempest on the sea so that the ship threatened to break up. ... The Lord appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah." -Jonah 1:4, 11

Jonah, in disobedience, attempted to run from the felt presence of God. He sought escape and refuge in a ship going to Tarshish. The creator of heaven and earth had other plans for Jonah. The Lord interrupted Jonah's plans. We go astray at times. By His mercy, the Lord hurls a great wind into our lives, making everything feel like it will break up. There is a place when we find the end of ourselves. God is willing and able to redeem us from our sins and disobedience. According to the redemptive plan of the Lord, He appointed great winds and great fish to bring His people back unto Himself. May we be reconciled unto the Lord today.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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