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"He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish. So he paid the fare and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish, away from the presence of the Lord." -Jonah 1:3

By all appearances, Jonah seemed right in what he was doing. He went where he wanted to go, found what he was looking for, and paid the necessary fee to be on his way. Many people are operating with this same mentality. If the prophet of God was so easily entangled, let us take caution in our actions. Jonah had neglected his life's greatness need: obeying the Lord. Sometimes, we focus so much on our relationships and how well we are doing in life that we forget that the chief and exalted end of our lives is to live for the glory of God. No matter how well things may be going, the question is, are we in communion with God? Is His word hidden in our hearts? Are we pursuing what we want or the Lord and His will for our lives? Choose this day to live for the Lord.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?" -James 4:1

It is easy to place the blame upon another when we feel provoked into a quarrel. Fighting occurs because of some offense between individuals. There is a need to defend our rights. This is a logical conclusion for a culture that is narcissistic. The question remains from the word of God, " What causes fights among you?". The answer is that we are at war within ourselves. Envy, anger, pride, jealousy, and self-righteousness are in our hearts. That no one else has put there; it exists because we are sinners. Even though we have been born again, the old nature is at war with us. Another person can provoke what is already within us, but this is what we must die for at the end of chapter three of this same letter. James describes a heavenly wisdom that comes from above that is "peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere." This wisdom needs to govern our hearts. When our spirit resists the Spirit of God, we are easily provoked and susceptible to fits of rage. The more we are at peace with God in our hearts, the more we are at peace with others and pursue a peaceful lifestyle. The wisdom of God enables us not to quarrel or fight with others. If we fall to this sin, the humble heart is easily entreated because it knows the forgiveness of God in our own life. Beloved, prayerfully pursue the wisdom from above, and through the mercy of the Lord, be open to reason with one another.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"A harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace." -James 3:18

What have you harvested this season? We are in a season of harvest. The fruits and vegetables are ripe and ready for eating. Please take the time to visit an orchard to pick some fruit, preferably one that is family-owned and not overly commercialized where you can walk about and experience the tranquility of nature. The sowing process is a peaceful exercise. The scripture verse is bringing this out. The child of God should possess a peaceful spirit, an easily entreated demeanor, and merciful, looking to sow peace in attitude, words, and actions. Which results in a harvest of righteousness. We should be people given to fits of rage or looking to argue. Love hopes all things and endures all things. God has dealt with us peaceable in Christ; may we emulate that same peace towards others and reap a harvest of righteousness.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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