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"Moses, His chosen one, stood in the breach before Him, to turn away His wrath from destroying them." -Psalm 106:23

There is one greater than Moses who has reconciled us unto God. The wrath of God was stored up against us. We were without hope and God in this world. No amount of self-righteousness and morality could satisfy the wrath of God. Then, when we were dead in sin, Christ died for us. Jesus took upon Himself the wrath of God, the penalty for our transgressions. We deserved to die, but Christ died for us. Because He knew no sin, He rose again. His righteousness imputed unto us. So now we have been reconciled unto God and are in the right relationship with Him. Let us rejoice this day in our salvation and have peace knowing that we belong to God. He is no longer against us but for us, never to leave us. God is with you today.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

"They forgot God, their Savior, who had done great things in Egypt." -Psalm 106:21

This comment seems absurd. How could one save forget about the Savior? Is it possible to forget about God? This happens more frequently than it should. When difficult circumstances come, they can cause short-term memory—obscuring one's ability to see the present goodness of the Lord while losing the ability to recall all of His blessings. In these seasons, we turn to the Word of God. His word renews our minds and enables us to see things in their proper place. The glory of God is revealed through His word, strengthening our faith and reminding us of who He is and what the Lord has done. Do not forget about God, beloved; He has not forgotten about you.

In Christ Alone, Pastor Wight

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." -Psalm 46:1

Are you in trouble today, beloved? "Trouble" in this verse is meant to be expressed in the broadest sense of the word. The various trials that we face in every form and fashion. With the coming of difficult times is the assurance that God is our refuge and strength. We can hide ourselves with our accumulated fears in His grace. Resting in the knowledge that He knows all things, that the Spirit of God will strengthen us for the day and has the power to deliver. God is always near unto His people. Present here does not mean proximity but rather that the Lord has been found or proven to help in times of trouble. The testimony of the saints of God through the ages is God helped them time and time again. We often say, "Where would I be if it was not for the Lord!" It is true, beloved, if you are in trouble today, call out to God, and He will help you. This is His promise to you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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