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A New Day | Jan. 30th

"He who was seated on the throne said, " Behold I am making all things new."

Revelation 22:5

I think everyone enjoys having something new. It could be inexpensive or extravagant. A new day can bring hope or excitement. The one thing about having something new is that it begins to break down, tarnish, or wear out. A new day can turn for the worse or bring anxiety for tomorrow.

The day is coming when all things will be made new but never to deteriorate again. That new day will never turn for the worse, and it shall never foster anxiety. All of heaven and earth will be made new, including the saints of God.

We will know no sorrow, pain, or death. No fear, doubts, or confusion will trouble us again. On that glorious day when God makes all things new, we shall be filled with everlasting joy and peace. There will be no adversary to resist, no flesh to die to only the fullness of our redemption to enjoy.

Let us live in the light of that new day today. May it bring peace and hope in this hour until all is made new. Maranatha.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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