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A Pleasant Land | Oct. 12th

" Then they despised the pleasant land, having no faith in his promise. They murmured in their tents, and did not obey the voice of the Lord."

Psalm 106:24 -25

The Israelites doubted God's ability to bring them into the promised land. Rather than trusting the Lord, they complained in their tents instead of enjoying the pleasant land.

Beloved, there are times in which we will be tempted to do the very same thing. We go through trying times ourselves and doubt if God sees us or will ever fulfill His promises unto us. Let us not remain in tents of dispair and disobedience.

Prayerfully ask the Lord to open your eyes to the beauty around you. Acknowledge the present faithfulness and goodness of God in your life. His mercy is new every morning, and His lovingkindness is unceasing. There is no reason to doubt or complain. Trust in the faithfulness of God. The Lord will bring you through.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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