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A Safe Place | May 3rd

"The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him." 

   Nahum 1:7

  The Lord is good, yet the day of trouble comes providentially. They are not outside the experience of the believer. The days of trouble are not few either. The hardship and sorrow these circumstances bring can be overwhelming.

  It is hard to fathom at times why hardship comes unto us. We must believe that God, in His goodness, measures out the day of trouble. Such moments are limited within His sovereignty. He knows those who are His and take refuge in Him.

  The Lord will be a stronghold for His beloved in the day of trouble. God will supply a deep peace that keeps the spirit and mind of His people. He is faithful to work all things for the good of their salvation as they hide themselves in Christ. Do not be moved in the day of trouble. The Lord is your stronghold, and He knows what you are going through.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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