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A Troubled Heart | Feb. 6th

" Let my prayer come before you; incline your ear to my cry! For my soul is full of troubles, ... "

Psalm 88:2-3

Beloved, there will be times when our hearts and minds are full of troubles. It will feel like peace is fleeting. That there is no cause for hope. It will be hard to reach forward for a promise or to ask for help. In such times, bring all that concerns you to the Lord.

Ask the Lord to hear your cry. He will help and already knows your needs. It is in coming to Him as a thirsty man comes to water that we find refreshing. Do not worry about your faith being small or that you do not understand why things are the way they are. Cast it all upon the Lord. Lift your voice to God. Lift your heart, lift your troubles, and lift yourself to God.

He will receive you. The God of creation will take your troubles. He will give you grace to manage through the day. You are not alone.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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