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Acknowledging Sin | September 4, 2023

"Both we and our fathers have sinned; we have committed iniquity; we have done wickedness." -Psalm 106:6

It is easy and common for one generation to point out the sins of another. How many are willing to acknowledge their iniquity? When we reflect upon the sins of others, often it is examined in how it has affected us. We do not regard the effects of our sin upon others with that same scrutiny, but they are just as damaging. Here, the Psalmist acknowledges the sins of one generation to the next before God. This should be our foremost concern. One must honestly acknowledge one's sin before a holy God. Without excuse or blame upon others for causing our sinfulness. All have fallen short of the glory of God. We are responsible for our sin, our iniquity, and our wickedness. Before the Lord, every mouth is shut. Christ came to us in this hopeless condition while we were dead in sin. He ransomed us with His life. Now, we belong to God if we have repented. By His grace, we turn away from a life of iniquity. Let us rejoice in the mercy of God and flee all works of unrighteousness. Let each generation tell the next of the glory of God and His saving grace in Christ.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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