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Awake | June 6th

"Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes."

Luke 12:37

There comes a time within every day that we grow weary. We understand this is a natural course of life. We discipline ourselves accordingly to be alert at the optimum moments within the day. This sense of maturity and responsibility guides us through the days of our lives.

Let us not neglect the same understanding regarding our spiritual need to be alert. To be watchful in regards to the return of our Lord. It is knowing that we will have to give an account unto Him for what we have done.

We must be ready and watchful of what the Lord may ask of us in our day. How would the Lord desire us to serve Him in any given circumstance? Let us prayerfully ask the Lord to enable us to be like Christ to those around us. A servant the Master finds awake when He returns.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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