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Be at Peace | Sep. 17th

"Let your steadfast love comfort me according to your promise to your servant."

Psalm 119:76

Christ Himself is the promise unto us. He has promised never to forsake us, to be our peace and the one who guards our hearts and minds.

The promise of the Lord being our comfort is based on His steadfast love for us. We have nothing to offer, nothing to ensure His mercy towards us. Jesus, in His kindness, has chosen us and set His affection upon us.

If you are weary or perplexed today, come to the Father. Come to the throne of grace, and you shall find help in your time of need. We come in the name of the Lord and stand upon the promises He has given us. This is why we can have full assurance for the day and whatever season of life we find ourselves in. God's love is everlasting, and His kindness is unceasing.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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