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Be Patient | July 12th

"Love is patient.."

1 Corinthians 13:4

Love demonstrated in this way is more than a feeling it is a decision. We do not always have the patience we need for a person, circumstance, or ourselves. But we are called upon by the word of God to demonstrate patience lovingly.

It is a challenge for all of us to show patience consistently. We need the Spirit of God to give us His love for others and His patience for the circumstances of life. We do not always possess patience for others. In such moments, we must choose to be loving. We decide to treat others as God has treated us.

The Lord has been longsuffering towards all of His children. He has been gracious and merciful. As we have received the lovingkindness of God, may we show patience toward others today. Let us choose to be patient.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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