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Beautiful Timing | Oct. 24th

" He has made everything beautiful in its time. "

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Beloved, we do not always perceive things as done in wisdom or timely when it comes to the circumstances of life. However, the providence of God is orchestrated perfectly by His wisdom, power, and love.

We do not always see or fully understand how befitting providence works in our everyday lives. When we enter into eternity, we shall see more clearly how God was at work through our lives.

Until then, let us ask the Lord to enable us to trust His care in our life. To be grateful for the provision of God and to have patience concerning His timing within the seasons of our days. Every moment within the providence of God is befitting in time and purpose. Trust in God's plan for your life today because it is beautiful.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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