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Blindness | September 6, 2023

"He sighed deeply in His spirit." -Mark 8:12

Jesus, the Son of God, sighed deeply within His spirit. Do we know what it was that touched the heart of our Lord? Jesus said, "Why does this generation seek a sign?" The hardness of their hearts grieved Him. Their sinful hearts caused the Lord to sigh deeply in His spirit. There was no sincerity in their questions about Him being the Messiah. The Lord had given numerous evidences that He is the God-man. Their hearts of stone blinded them to the truth that Jesus was the Savior.

At the same time, it is comforting to know that Christ was moved with such feelings for people. He is a high priest who understands our infirmities and weakness. However, may we not cause the Lord to sigh because of the sin and indifference to who He is in our hearts. Our hearts doubt the Lord. Our feet tend to stray. However, Jesus is longsuffering with us. We should be eternally grateful for His unceasing kindness. Let us humble ourselves beneath the mighty hand of God and His mercy that is made new each day for us.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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