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Clean the Garage | Sep. 20th

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."

Psalm 51:10

It is amazing how a garage, a basement, a spare closet, and a drawer can slowly become cluttered over time.

Things have a way of piling up. Items given as gifts or purchased but never used are put in storage. Other items are collected but soon forgotten. Soon, we realize we must purge the basement, clean out the junk drawer, and clean the garage so that things can be made right.

The heart also needs cleaning. This cannot be done by the work of our hands; only the Holy Spirit can truly clean the heart and renew the spirit within a life.

Our responsibility is to recognize the need, to humble ourselves beneath the mighty hand of God, and to acknowledge our need for His help. Beloved, this need will arise throughout our lives. It is a part of sanctification and the work of God's Spirit within the heart of His people.

Let us seek the Holy Spirit's help in this area. He will finish the work God has started in us.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight


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