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Comfort in Grief | Dec.22nd

"... acquainted with grief;..."

Isaiah 53:3

Beloved, if the Son of God was acquainted with grief, we should not expect to be spared the sorrows of life. Affliction will come to our hearts, trouble our minds, and fall upon our bodies. It is inescapable. The perfect Lamb of God endured the agonies of life and suffered beyond our understanding in the garden and upon the cross. Jesus knew grief as no other ever could.

To follow, serve, and entrust ourselves to God. Does not mean that this life will not contain pain. Various trials should be anticipated. In them, we shall not be hopeless. For the One who endured all things and overcame can help us. Jesus has ransomed our lives and secured the victory of our faith with His very life.

You may feel as though the burden is more than you can bear. That your faith is faltering, and you are unsure if you will make it, but God is with you. He is sustaining you. God is touched by your sorrow and confusion. The Lord will not forsake you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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