"My soul refuses to be comforted."
Psalm 77:2
Can a heart be inconsolable? Scripture answers the question for us. Hopefully, not all of God's children will experience such pain, but there will be those whose sorrow is beyond comprehension.
There are experiences that no friend or family member can carry us through. The counselor or pastor will have no words or satisfactory answer for why there is such depth of sorrow. No vacation or self-care will be able to remove the thorn of anguish. Time will not heal all wounds. No earthly remedy will do.
A broken spirit will not be the final state of the child of God. The Heavenly Father, the God of all comfort, will divinely intervene. He will come in the night season and lift the hurting heart from the pit of despair. God alone knows the timing of such mercy. We can be assured that God's lovingkindness endures forever, and He will comfort us in the end, though we may bear the marks of sorrow until God makes all things new.
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Wight