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Cry for Mercy | April 16th

"I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy."

Psalm 116:1

We were dead in sin, without hope, and estranged from God within this world. The Lord saved us by His grace alone. It was nothing of ourselves or anything we could offer. It was the simple cry for mercy in Christ that rescued us.

This mercy is made new each day for you, beloved. The humble cry for help will always reach the heart of God. He will never turn a deaf ear towards the pleas for mercy. If your heart is troubled today and the trials of life have weighed you down, look to the Lord. Lift your heart and cry to Him. God welcomes you to the throne of grace. He invites you to cast your cares upon Him.

The Lord is with you and will not turn you away. Trust the Lord for He is working all things for the good of your salvation.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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