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Cry for Mercy | Sep. 12th

"For the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on his afflicted."

Isaiah 49:13

Beloved, sometimes we become so weary and overwhelmed with the trials of life that our prayer is a simple plea for mercy.

The cry for mercy is all our faith can muster up. We see the need and can hardly believe in the miracle, so we ask for mercy. This tender reed the Lord will not break. He comes along beside us and brings comfort. We are held by His promises and the power of the Holy Spirit.

He has and will always comfort His people. Lift your heart to the Lord today, and He will meet you. He is the God of all comfort, the Prince of Peace, and the mighty Counselor.

The Lord brought His people through the Red Sea, Lazarus from the grave, and spared Daniel from the lion's den. He is not done with your life either and will bless you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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