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Dark Times | April 26th

"But this is your hour, and the power of darkness."

  Luke 22:53

   Have you ever attempted to see something in the dark? Trying to figure out what you are looking at or attempting to complete a task? Things do not always seem as if they are in the dark. There are moments in life when darkness comes, and it appears darkness is prevailing.

  I am sure those who came to arrest Jesus in the garden that night thought they were in control. They assumed they had the authority and knew what the outcome would be at that moment. All who were involved and witnessing that night and the days to follow could not see or understand what God was doing. The God of all creation was in control. 

   He was doing a new thing, something that had never entered into the heart of man. No one had ever seen or heard of this glorious plan of salvation that involved the Son of God laying down His life.

   Beloved, you may be in a dark period of your life now in which the darkness seems to be in control. The Lord told them that this was their hour, but they did not realize the victory that was to come. God is working all things for the good of our salvation, even in the dark days when we cannot see His immediate goodness. The Lord is in control today.


In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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