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Daybreak | Oct 4th

"Your sun shall no more go down, nor your moon withdraw itself; for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of mourning shall be ended."

Isaiah 60:20

Summer is drawing to an end. With this comes shorter days. Each day becomes progressively darker earlier than the day before. It is a sign that colder and darker days are approaching.

This physical phenomenon can depict the emotional and spiritual days of our lives. We pass through seasons of darkness and sorrow, wondering when the break of day will come. There is a hopeful expectation with the dawning of the sun. The warmth and brightness of a new awakening bring joy and peace that dispels the darkness.

Those who were in darkness have seen a great light. Christ rose with healing power and authority to set the captives free. He is the light of the world. Jesus continues to shine brightly within the lives of His people. He guards their hearts and minds with peace.

Another day is fast approaching when darkness will be swallowed up for all time. Never again shall there be sorrow, pain, or death. The King of kings is coming and He will make all things new.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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