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Divine Power | March 19th

"His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, "

2 Peter 1:3

Beloved, there is cause today for hope. The Lord is with you, and He aids you in divine power. The power of the Gospel is in Christ. He is the One who can transform a life, setting a person free from the domain of darkness and translating it into His kingdom.

As a child of God, His divine power continues to grant all that is needed for the Christian life. We are never left to ourselves to get through the day. One should never rely upon their strength to make it through the day.

God has supplied mercy for us that is new with the dawning of every day. Grace that is sufficient and a peace that surpasses all that we understand. Accomplished by divine power. Not of this world. Trust the Lord, His divine power is at work in your life.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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