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Do Not Be Afraid | Aug. 22nd

"Fret not yourself because of evildoers; ... Trust in the Lord, and do good, .."

Psalm 37:1, 3

There are many concerning events in the culture at this present time. Ideologies and actions that are in direct contradiction with God and His word. Circumstances like this have the potential of disquieting the heart and mind. We could end up being fixated upon what is negative and become weary in well doing.

God's people must set their minds and hearts upon God and His word. To entrust themselves to Him and all that concerns us. We are to be light in this world, beloved. This implies that the world is dark by nature. We live in a fallen culture that has rejected the Lord and His word. In this hostile environment, God has sent us out.

We do this not in our strength but in the power of the Lord. The Holy Spirit equips, encourages, and comforts us in life. Let not your heart be troubled. Trust in the Lord and the power of His might. God is with you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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