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Dreams Come True | Aug. 29th

" we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongues with shouts of joy; .... the Lord has done great things for us; we are glad."

Psalm 126:1,2,3

Israel remembers their deliverance from captivity. What they had hoped for became a reality.

The Christian reflects upon their deliverance from sin and death with the same wonder. How could we be in darkness for so long? How merciful the God of all creation was towards us. It is like a dream. Sorrow and grief have been replaced with peace and shouts of joy.

There is yet another great awakening when we enter the eternal rest of our Lord. We will be like those who awoke from a long dream. To a reality of overwhelming eternal peace, joy, and beauty. A dawning of endless shouts of joy where sorrow will never exist.

That fair country may seem like only a dream, beloved, but the new life you now have in Christ bears witness to that great land. Let us continue forward towards our home in earnest.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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