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Everlasting Light | September 20, 2023

" Your sun shall no more go down, nor your moon withdraw itself; for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of mourning shall be ended." -Isaiah 60:20

Darkness comes to us in this life, beloved. When all that is bright and beautiful seems gray and a distant dream unfulfilled. One can only imagine the hearts of our Lord's disciples when he was laid in the grave. What of the miracles? Why such a gruesome and violent end? What will become of us? Many saints have wandered through the ages when the Lord shall break forth on their behalf. Our hearts tend to doubt. The word of God and His promises calls us to look ahead. Consider the goodness and might of God. The Lord has and will continue to lead His church through dark times. His grace will always be sufficient. The day will come when the sun shall go down no more. There will be no cause for mourning. The time is at hand when we will dwell in the everlasting light of our Lord. Come quickly, Lord.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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