"If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me."
Psalm 139:9- 10
Beloved, no matter how swiftly you run, you cannot escape the presence of God. We travel from one point to another, and what remains constant is our existence. Two things continue throughout the journey: God is present, and so are we.
David spoke of taking flight upon the wings of the morning, being carried from the east into the far west as quickly as possible. There in the west was God, just as He was in the east and in every place between. God's presence is everywhere.
To the comfort of our souls, the Lord is always with us. No matter where we are physically in the world or what we are going through emotionally, the Lord is with us.
The Lord is guiding us in all places and seasons of life. He can keep us wherever we are, beloved.
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Wight