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God is With You | Nov. 30th

" God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns."

Psalm 46:5

The hope for all those who dwelled in Zion is that God was amongst His people. The Lord would keep them through the long night of the siege. The Lord would secure His people until the dawn.

We have a promise which is greater than the hope of the Psalmist. God is in our midst constantly through the Holy Spirit. You will not be separated from God's love for you in Christ Jesus. The Lord is always with us.

Christ has made a way for us to the throne of grace. We come in the name of the Lord. Because we have been reconciled unto God in Christ, Jesus is our cornerstone and we cannot be removed from our position in Him. Jesus is the firm foundation we stand upon. The Lord will bring us safely unto the dawning of the new heaven and earth where we will dwell with Him forever. May this hope comfort you today and cause you to put your trust in the Lord. God is with you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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