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God is Working | May 6th

"O Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not hear?"

  "For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told."

  Habakkuk 1:2,5

The prophet believed his cry went unheard before the Lord. Habakkuk did not see an immediate response to his petition and concluded God was not answering. Sometimes we feel the same with the prayers we offer. Time passes, and we see no change. Things remain the same, and we wonder if our cries for help have gone unheard.

  The Lord revealed that He heard and was at work. What God was doing would be hard for Habakkuk to believe. But the Lord was at work.  

  We do not always understand what the Lord is doing in or through our lives. We can be sure that He hears our cries for help. God works all things for the good of our salvation, and He is in control. We can trust the Lord today concerning everything in our lives, and the Lord is working. Faithful to finish the work he has begun in us. Rest in this assurance today.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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