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God Sees You | March 15th

"Do not hide your face from me in the day of my distress!"

Psalm 102:2

Beloved, have you ever experienced a moment when someone pretended they did not see you? You tried to get their attention by waving your hand or calling out to them to no avail. You tried to catch their eye only to be ignored. There are moments when a misunderstanding happens, but there are other instances when you know the individual deliberately acted as though you were not there.

These experiences can leave us angry, hurt, or disappointed, especially when we require help. Be encouraged today. God will never hide His face from you. His eye is upon. The Lord knows you're going out and coming in. He hears your cry and will not hide His face from you.

If today is a day of distress, the Lord will not forsake you. He is ever present with His people. God is working everything for the good of our salvation.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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