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Godly Sorrow | Sep. 6th

"... though he causes grief, he will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love; "

Lamentations 3:32

The Lord's chastisement is redemptive in its purpose. God is concerned with the eternal condition of our souls. If the momentary comfort of our lives is rooted in sin, He will afflict such a heart, bringing it to a place of true repentance.

The Holy Spirit is faithful to trouble the wayward heart. He takes peace from the mind and stirs the heart until it is restless. Beloved, let us trust that the Lord is working all things for the good of His redemptive purpose in our lives and those we are praying for. Even the grief He causes is guided by steadfast love.

Perhaps the Lord's steadfast love is working grief in the lives of your unsaved loved ones. Keep praying and entrust them to the Lord.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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