"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy,"
Philippians 1:3-4
There is nothing permanent in our lives, beloved. Only the Lord remains with us every season, place, and circumstance. However, God graciously brings people in and out of our lives. He providentially works in every season, place, and circumstance with these lives in ours.
It is good for us to recall those who have been faithful to the Lord and how they, by His grace, touched us. Some of these dear saints were with us for years, while others we meet in a single moment. God, in His divine care, allowed many to refresh and encourage us.
Beloved, may we be mindful of how the Lord would desire to use us for the benefit of others. The will of God for us includes how we may bless others. When the Bible tells us that the Lord works all things for our good, the lives of others are a part of that equation.
May we thank God in remembrance of the lives who have touched us, and may others count us as a blessing as well.
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Wight