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Grace is Sufficient | Oct. 2nd

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

2 Corinthians 12:9

Weakness is something we try to avoid with all of our being. The thorn in Paul's flesh was something he sought God to remove on several occasions. It was causing him to suffer, and Paul thought his life would be better without it. Until the Lord showed Paul that it was necessary for him and that grace would prove sufficient despite it.

The sufficiency of grace can only be discovered through suffering. God in mercy and wisdom brings seasons and moments when we learn how God's grace meets us. At first, we may respond like Paul, seeking to have the burden lifted, to be delivered from the trial, or to have the thorn removed.

Let us accept that God may deny such requests at times. God is keeping us and proving His grace in our lives through suffering. Nothing can separate you from His love, and the Lord works all things for your good.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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